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This is the website editor!!! I’m here to tell you about Meemaw and myself without giving away to much privacy to ourselves, and along with that i want to tell you why this website is important to us. I’m not going to give myself a nickname further than “The Editor”, though. So, who am i? Just an average person. Not really too out-of-the-ordinary, other than i am extremely good at art and reading. No, really. I was at a fifth-grade reading level in second grade. I am also super-duper tech savvy and am great at math, coding, and animation. Terrible at anything 3D, though. i have a huge passion for writing and art, and would love to someday start a business of my own involving art and writing. i have a good sense of humor and a terrible sense of humor at the same time, and am the kind of person you would talk to about any thing that would be bothering you. also, i don’t type correctly. yeah, i type with one finger on both hands. i know, it’s kinda stupid, it’s faster and i’m fairly impatient, i’m sorry. >w< now, about Meemaw. well, she’s already explained a bit about herself, but i just wanna add something she forgot to. she is a real badass, ok?! she is so strong and brave and just all-around amazing! she has certainly helped to shape me into who i am today. and we have learned so much together, and honestly, i have no idea what my life would be like growing up without her. she recently lost her job because of covid, and is going through a hard time right now, and i think CWM has really helped her cope. she can’t seem to catch a break, and it really makes me sad. she has not gotten a job and hopefully this can help her earn some money, even if it’s only a small percentage of amazon’s funds from the links.

Note from Meemaw: I found this post as I was working on the blog. I HAD to make it “live” even if no one but family ever sees it. This child is so wonderful, I love being her Meemaw.

It is also clear that my “editor” may need an editor. 🙂
