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We’re a year old!

Hello! it’s The Editor. Yeah, I know I’m not really present(neither of us have been) but I just wanted to say that we are really happy to be here. Meemaw and I have grown together, in many ways. For instance, I now appreciate many more things in life than I did, such as family, and equality, and I’m sad to see all the problems in the world. You see, growing as a person is hard. When you are little, you’re told the world is a perfect utopia, and you believe it. But you slowly start to realize that’s wrong. I don’t know about you, but as a young person I constantly wanted to be a beautiful teenager with a phone and a million friends going shopping and getting really pretty dresses, and now that I’m older I want none of that. I want a better world. so much is wrong, and as a younger person no one listens. Growing up is hard. You’re scared, insecure and you learn more about how screwed up the world is. Suddenly, I was yearning for the days when I lived in happy bliss without having to deal with the world we live in. But, growing up isn’t bad either. It’s a part of life. We can’t stop it. No matter how scary it is, or how weird it feels, you just keep moving, growing as a person. Growing together. This website is a great gift. It was started on an impulse and as an outlet for Meemaw to show her passion even if only to a few people. We don’t get that many people here, especially since we’ve been inactive. But I’m happy to say that we are happy. It’s nice to know that even though not a lot of people come and see Meemaw’s passion, some do. And Meemaw loves that, and so do I! I’ve grown as a person. I’m much more humble, I’ve grown more empathetic, and I have different interests. I also am moving into a new grade. I’ll admit, it’s scary, especially with this whole pandemic scare and spending an entire year and 1/2 disconnected from my friends(with the occaisional visit or two), but, I enjoyed it. I loved my online classroom, it was really fun and I admit, I’ll miss it. i’m scared to go into a new grade after not being around more than 2 people for so long, but, I’m ready. I’ll take that step proudly, proud of my family, proud of my effort i put into getting better with my anxiety and insecurity, proud of myself for making it through this horrifying time, proud of myself for growing, proud of myself for making it this far, proud of myself for being a better human being. So I’m ready for this next step too. I’m ready to grow again, and again, and again. Because you don’t stop growing. From the moment you take that first breath to the day you take your last, you’ll keep growing. Every year, every season, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, every millisecond. Every movement. every step you take, you are becoming a newer person. Every step you take you grow older. and that’s not something to be scared of, I’ve realized. You can’t expect yourself to be perfect, nobody is. But you can expect yourself to grow. So, i ask you. as we rejoice about this full year we have commited to putting into this website, to take that step with me. no matter how old, how young you are, no matter if you’ve graduated college or are taking those first steps to a newer school, newer grade, newer people, no matter if you have a job and a family or have just laid down those boxes packed with old toys, dusty books and fragile kitchenware at a new home,Ii ask you, to take that step with me. I ask you to take a step with us. To grow with us as we step in this scary, new world. Because no matter how smart or experienced you are, you’ll never know everything. Neither will I. Step with us. It’s not that hard. Go out, party, do something you’ve never done before, anything. Grow as a person with us. Step with me, meemaw, everybody around you, everyone you care about, step with us. Head into the unknown.

I urge you.


-The Editor